Coalition for Economic Justice launches No.10 e-petition: taxLess4more
The Coalition for Economic Justice (CEJ), of which ALTER is a member, has launched a petition on the No.10 website, which reads:-
"We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to replace taxes on earnings, goods and services by a charge on the unearned rental value of land, thereby raising public revenue in accordance with natural justice, reducing inequality, encouraging economic development and restoring prosperity while preventing 'boom-bust' cycles."
The petition supports Liberal Democrat policy, which is to introduce Land Value Taxation (LVT) nation-wide "in the longer term" and which already includes an important element of "tax fairness" by raising income tax thresholds for millions of low earners - and closing tax loopholes used by the rich, which largely derive from unearned increased in land value.
Controversially, CEJ has recently decided to affiliate with the Tax Justice Network (TJN) - which has in the past dismissed LVT as part of the solution to economic problems. ALTER Chair Cllr Dr Tony Vickers, who voted to associate with TJN at CEJ's Steering Committee, says: "There is more to be gained from influencing TJN than there is to be lost by diluting the message that a Tax Shift would make tax evasion less profitable for the rich". The TJN says it will promote the CEJ's e-petition.