Support change of fiscal strategy - SLF amendment to Economy Motion
ALTER Exec recommend Conference representatives to support the second part of an amendment submitted by the Social Liberal Forum (SLF), which had 105 supporting signatures, to the Motion F19 next Monday. This amendment includes a new clause saying that Party economic policy "should be guided by" (among other things):-
"IV. A recognition that beyond 2015, the burden of fiscal consolidation should be shifted further towards fairer taxes, especially on wealth and land."
At present, all that Party policy promises on land tax is "a full-scale review early in the next Parliament to look at how it might best be implemented". This is taken from the Fairer Taxes policy paper, to be debated shortly after the debate on "Strengthening the UK Economy" which SLF seek to amend.
Supporting this amendment is the best way for those Party members at Glasgow who want to see LVT become a campaigning policy - a key part of sustainable and fair economic recovery - to achieve that aim.
Please visit ALTER's stand (D2) to find out more about our activities. You can join ALTER (or renew membership) at Glasgow - or online. The SLF's mover and summator for this amendment have already done that!